Tag Archives: not in an earthquake

Prayers Begin Here….

Psalm 143
“Prayers…Begin Here”

Have you ever been in a prayer group and wondered how those who pray seem like they are talking directly to God? Perhaps it is because they have spent time sitting beside David, listening to him and learning from him. David in his humility writes in Ps 45 “my tongue is as skilled as the stylus of an experienced scribe.” Can we say that? If not, let’s sit down beside David as he talks with His God.

O Lord, hear my prayer! Pay attention to my plea for help! Because of your faithfulness and justice, answer me!

Even David had the nagging notion that perhaps God was being silent for a time just as we do. But, of course, God is not but sometimes our heart fails to hear what God hears or our eyes fail to see what God sees. He is waiting for us to stop and listen for His still small voice because sometimes we are in an earthquake of emotions when our strength leaves us. Sometimprayers2aes we are facing the fire and its roar. Sometimes we need the reminder that just as He was with the Three Hebrews He will be with us. Stop and ask; Is the roar is so loud your ears cannot hear? Perhaps then it is time to sit quietly as David did so we hear God’s soft whisper which is for us and us alone. In that quiet time we hear his words of lovingkindness and we hear the words of another prayer warrior; Isaiah “You will hear a word spoken behind you, saying, “This is the correct way, walk in it,” whether you are heading to the right or the left.” [Is 30:21]